71 Take my Hand, Take me Higher

Lina woke to the gentle movements of William shaking her arm.

She blinked sleepily and peeked the top half of her head out from under the cover.

Will laughed and kissed her nose, "You're too cute Lina, but come on because we're leaving for the airport in ten minutes."

Lina quickly sat up and fixed her hair, "What? Now?" she said looking all around the room, "How long was I asleep for? I have to help Julie get dressed and make sure she eats!"

"Calm down, she and I already ate and she's dressed and waiting in the next room."

Lina seemed confused, she clutched at the quilt and covered her body.

"What did you tell her I was doing all this time?"

"I just said that you were using my laptop to finish some work. Now hurry up and get ready because we're going to be late."

He pulled a leather jacket on over his gray colored v-neck sweater and put a wad of cash in his jeans' pocket.