Lina looked baffled. Her eyebrows came together into a tight frown and she looked at the number on her door.
Is he not going to invite me in?
"I thought... but you said?" she asked in confusion.
Will smirked and acted surprised, "Oh? Did you want to come in?"
"Stop it!" she said smacking his arm.
He chuckled a soft laugh and unlocked his door.
She marched inside, slightly annoyed.
Her jacket came off in a flurry and both heels were promptly kicked off.
She dropped down to her natural height and he crossed his arms and tried to hide his amused smile.
"What game are you playing huh?!" she scolded him, hands on her hips.
He rubbed his jaw and arched an eyebrow, "Game?"
"Yes!" She said as she paced in circles, "Undressing me when there's a guy around, trying it on... then stopping... Acting like you don't want me to come in your room... What's wrong William!?"
His eyebrows raised, "William? Ha! You're great at telling me off, what else do you want to say?"