116 Beat you Senseless

"Will? Can you slow down a bit?" Lina said shuffling along side him as he kept a firm hold of her wrist. His hold was so tight. Tight enough that she felt like it was cutting off the blood from circulating properly to her hand.

He continued to walk quickly, ignoring Lina's wriggling hand and he finally let go when they got to the car.

He opened the door for her and shot her a serious look before sliding in after her and ordering the driver to take them back to the hotel.

On the fast ride back to Park Lane Hotel, Lina bit her nails and prayed silently that they would find Julie back at the room.

However that wasn't the case, when they got back, William impatiently pushed open the door almost hitting Lina when it bounced back and he began pacing the room like a bloodhound trying to pick up a scent.

He picked up a pillow on her bed and threw it violently at the wall.

"Who does she think she is?! Doesn't she know that I'll find her?!"