"Whaa hoo!" Yanlin exclaimed walking behind Lina when they pulled up to the Peninsula hotel.
"This place is fan-cy!"
"Yan!" Lina said under her breath, "Just act normal and don't embarrass me okay?"
"Okay, okay" he said with a huge grin on his face and he popped his tracksuit collar.
The receptionist looked at Lina strangely when she entered the hotel lobby with Yanlin and they took the elevator up.
Liang Yanlin watched his sister unlock the room to the suite and Lina showed him around.
"That's the dining area and lounge. Over there is the bathroom and that cabinet opens up to show a mini-bar..."
"And this door?" he asked jiggling the handle on the wooden door.
"Oh that goes to the joint suite for Julie."
"Awesome..." Yanlin said nodding and walking around the room.
He helped himself to a bottle of booze from the mini-bar and Lina dragged the heavy box over to the closet and began tearing off the duct tape.