Before they approached the ornate double doors of the large home, a butler greeted them with a bow and a smile.
"Mr.Zheng has arrived and miss...?"
"Miss Liang," William clarified.
Their arrival was announced and they were led into a large formal sitting area. A jittery feeling built in Lina's stomach but Will's hand held hers and calmed her nerves.
She looked around at the extravagant home, and tried to hide her surprised expression.
Huge windows, covered with golden drapes framed the room and a sparkling chandelier hung in the center.
Old women and men dressed in fine clothing began to gather on the seats and some stood up to greet William. Each one with a cool, calm expression and some looked critically at Lina.
"LINA!!!" Julie screamed and ran down the large flight of stairs in a pretty powder blue dress and pale sheer stockings. The young girl looked ecstatic to see Lina, bypassing her own father and attacking Lina with a tight bear hug.