The Peninsula Hotel.
William Zheng was packing his bags for his upcoming trip back to New York. He opened his laptop and checked over the itinerary.
He had originally planned to stay in Beijing for the next few months and spend some time with Lina and Julie but circumstances had changed and he couldn't muster the energy to deal with Julie's erratic behavior.
With Lina gone, Julie had started to act up again; full of hormones and an argumentative attitude, he took the easy route and pawned her off on his sister, who was tough but generally good.
"You promised!!" Julie said over the phone.
William sat at the table in the hotel suite and tried to explain to his daughter over a phonecall why he would be abandoning her yet again.
"I'm sorry Jewel, but I have a lot of work to see to and I can't stay much longer. I'll come have dinner with you every night until I leave. Now tell me what you want me to bring back for you?"