William exhaled a breath after closing the door and quickly strutted over to the living-area.
"Alright Julie, time for bed," he said firmly.
Julie moaned, "But Daaad!! Can't we play just one more level??"
"No way, get to bed now!!" he bellowed.
Julie flinched at his loud voice and took her tablet stubbornly. She pouted and stomped on her way down the hall to her room.
"Ahem!" William coughed, blatantly waiting for Yanlin to go home.
"Good night big bro!" Yan smirked and pulled a throw blanket over himself.
"Liang Yanlin, it's not appropriate for you to sleep on the sofa," William explained.
"Ahhh... You are the best brother. So the guest bedroom then?" and Yanlin jumped up and began walking down the hall.
William caught him before he could open the door.
"Fine, you may stay tonight, but only because Lina is ill and I don't want to worry her."
Yanlin shrugged, "Cool."
On William's way back to the bedroom he stopped outside of Julie's bedroom door and opened it.