Over the next few months Lina had progressed in her pregnancy.
The second trimester brought some newfound energy and an end to the awful morning sickness that had plagued her days. She even began to get her appetite back and Will didn't slack in catering to her every request, even if it meant getting mint chocolate chip ice-cream at two in the morning.
Work was going well and Lina was able to delegate most of the physical tasks among her colleagues. However with her little growing bump at almost five months now, it was getting harder to hide and gossip spread that Mrs. Lina Zheng, wife to billionaire William Zheng was pregnant!
"Uh..." Lina moaned once entering her private office. She lifted her black and white polkadot chiffon blouse and unbuttoned the annoying button on her black work pants.
"Ah... that's better," she smiled and went to sit down in her comfy chair.
A quick scan over this week's to do list reminded Lina of a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.