Lina sat on the edge of her bed that night, after a nice warm shower and some fresh pyjamas, she felt amazing, calm and collected.
Nothing like a warm shower to ease an aching back and wash away a stressful day.
She pulled her vest top up and began rubbing some nice smelling cocoa butter all over her hard tummy; taking care to be extra gentle and smiling to herself whenever she'd feel a little foot jabbing at her side.
The weekends were the best. A chance to snuggle up on the sofa, or read a good book, plus the long lie in the morning was heaven and even though they had a hectic day, Lina looked forward to getting into bed and having her bedtime hugs and kisses with Will.
"Lina!!" Julie screamed and burst into the bedroom red-faced and hysterical.
"Tell him! Tell him that Jack is just my friend!!"
William came in after, whispering "Sorry."
"Julie, let's talk outside," he said taking his daughter firmly by the arm, "Lina is tired and she's had a hard day."