The next morning, Lina woke up to the sound of the housekeeper vacuuming.
She pulled on a robe and rubbed her tired face.
After a night of barely any sleep and terrible nightmares she was just glad to see the sun in the morning sky.
She checked the time, and realised that she had slept in. It was already ten and Julie would be at school.
"Oh?" Lina said when she opened the bedroom door and found Tao Jiayi vacuuming the hallway.
"Good morning ma'am, I am so sorry to wake you but Mr.Zheng said that I should clean the whole house!"
Lina closed her robe tightly and put on her glasses, "He said that?" she asked and the older woman nodded and turned the vacuum back on.
Lina walked to the living-area which was a huge space with large glass windows letting in the natural light.