Happened unfortunately

Kabir pov.....

It has been two days, and I'm missing my aaru, no cutie, no angel so much.

When ever mum's visit her, she used to talk with me in the phone, but still I want to see her.

You know what friends, my bedroom balcony and her bedroom balcony are beside.

One can easily climb from one balcony to another, so I thought to do it.

But quited the idea, thinking that, what if anybody see's me, and scold aaru.

From past seven years, I'm seeing my cutie, but never had the feeling to see her or talk with her always.

But from two days I didn't saw or talked with her directly, and I'm missing her too much.

Hold on friends is it attraction?, or is it my love for my cutie?

Being a pure Muslim boy, I had the habit of doing namaz( prayer), daily five times.

So I got up at four In the early morning did all my chores, and went for fajr namaz ( early morning prayer).

Around five a.m when I was returning back from morning prayer, I saw light face of aaru in her balcony.