Did we took wrong step?

KABIR POV........

After our happy moments, we slept for how long I don't know..........

And I was in deep sleep, when I heard little sounds of sobs and whining.

Suddenly I opened my eyes, and I saw that my cutie was in my embrace....

But she was sobbing silently covering her mouth with her hands.....

Grabbed her near to me and, hugged her from behind and, tried to check is she really sobbing????

" What happened baby?, why are you sobbing?, is it paining somewhere to you?" I asked, because I too have some pain.

She nodded her head in no, and said'' Hmmmm .... nooo......"

But I saw that she was holding her abdomen with her right hand,and covering her mouth with left hand.

So she have abdomen pain, but not telling me about it, may be she thinks that I feel bad.

Really my angel will be a, great and understandable, wife in future.

" What happened baby darling?, please tell me na life,why are you sobbing silently?" I asked like a request.