What is my sin???

Author pov


When our cutie mom said, that Shaheen Appa house, is fully decorated with, beautiful flowers and lights.

Because yesterday was, her only son Kabir Hussain, engagement with his lady boss.....

Unwantedly our cutie screamed aloud with shock........

" What are you talking mom, Shan Shan got engaged with his lady boss???

"How can be it possible?, how can he marry his lady boss suddenly??" she asked all these like a mad person.

" Why can't he marry his lady boss cutie??, whom should he take permission??

" And by the way you don't have any manners?, why are you calling Kabir as Shan??"

" Do you forgot the good manners I thought you?, you should call him bhaiya or bhaijaan, understood what I'm saying?" cutie mom said.

" Sorry mom nobody's, permission he should take, I was just shocked hearing, the sudden shocking engagement news" cutie said with a sad voice.