Sudden Marriage News



When Shan said to najma that"mam I can't continue these fake marriage drama or plan"

"And I will talk with boss about it, you don't worry I will convince him"

Hearing it from the other side of the phone najma was fuming in anger........

But she didn't replied anything to Shan about it, and disconnected the call.......

But Shan was waiting for her response,he thought that she will say ok to his plan...........

Suddenly when najma disconnected the call shan said to his inner voice......

"What happened to najma mam suddenly?, why she disconnected the call without any information??

" Is she planning to tell all these to her father for me and cutie?"

Mean while in cutie room,she is also thinking deeply about what they two had did few hours before........

"Oh god I'm addicted to his touch and kiss, what will I do if he got addicted with his real wife after marriage??