Believing Blindly



Today John brought Aayan, my only happiness when cutie left me alone to London.

Seeing me after three months, he came running towards me" pop Aayan missed his dad so much"

" Did you missed your Aayu? now you are busy with your cutie my mom,so forgot your Aayu baby" he said and made a puppy face.

" Really my Aayu baby think that his dad forgot his baby boy, and busy with mom?"

"You know everything na buddy? how your mom left me without telling me a good bye"

" It all happened because of najma mam you know, she created so much misunderstanding between us, so she left your pop thinking I'm happy with najma" I said.

" So did you cleared all the misunderstanding with mom? you cleared everything I know, because you are looking very happy" Aayu said.

We two were talking happily, someone opened the cabine door with a bang and without looking into the room said.