
"Then don't leave me", said Jasmine.

Albert cupped her face and made her look at him.

" See Bunny Muffin, It was Grandpaa and my dad's dream to make our company first in this and our neighbour countries, and for that I have to go foreign. Even our branch at that company is not doing well. I have to stay there to make everything proper.

So, don't you want to see Grandpaa proud of us? This is just about few years after that I will come back and we will stay together forever.", said Albert

" After that I have to go university, and then you and I will get married. Then you have to stay with your wife and you will not give importance to me", said Jasmine pouting and her sentence made Albert laugh.

" First of all, you wanted to do medicines right, then I have already found better university for you here itself, so you no need to go away.

And second thing, who said you about this marriage thing", asked Albert