Next morning sun rays was hitting the window and were falling on her face .. Laura looked at her watch and immediately ran into the bathroom..

Her mom was calling her downstairs for breakfast as she was getting late for her college.

she is in her last semester of Business administration.. and soon going to apply for internship. After doing her morning chores she reached downstairs in 15 minutes and saw her mother was preparing breakfast for everyone and her dad was reading newspaper sitting on sofa.

Laura goes to her father and closes his eyes from behind . Her dad smiles seeing her childish nature and Laura wishes her parents good morning.

" where is that idiot..." Laura asked her parents

While she was asking them about her brother.. jack was already standing behind her and made an attempt to scare her...

Laura jerked back on his sudden action..

Jack laughs on Laura as she easily get scared from small things. But he loves her sister very much.

Jack came infront of her and said " .. Hey sleepy head what are you doing...." Jack said while playing with her hairs...

Laura glares at him and said " stop calling me that you idiot..."

Both of them were fighting like enemies..Here her parents were watching them quietly and smiling towards them and finally her dad takes a step and scolds jack as LAura is elder tham him.

Everyone had their breakfast happily chatting and then Laura get call from Tina asking when she will reach college then she saw the time and hurriedly left to college by saying goodbye to everyone.

Laura reach college and at entrance she meets her friends Tina and Mia and they were talking while going to their classes when she was about enter the class Laura bumped into a girl as she was also entering the same time...

Emily was rudest girl in the college as she thought that she is the most beautiful girl in the college and moreover her parents are rich as his grandfather is a big politician..

Emily looked at Laura and Said ...." hey you bitch can't you see and walk "

Tina came in between them and told her to shut her fucking mouth.

And then the trio enter in their class and here Emily was glaring at them because Laura is famous in boys as she is beautiful and not rude she is very sweet in nature and help others which Emily doesn't like ....

Emily is a rich brat who thinks she owns the college and everything will happen according to her . she has already bullied many girls who knows how much and wants to be the centre of attraction all the time in boys....



RIAN WOKE up at 5:30 am and after doing his morning chores he goes to gym in his backyard and started doing his workout. and was thinking about the girl he bumped into yesterday. and her se green eyes which were telling him that she is such a pure and innocent soul.......

He was still thinking about her and his grandmother was calling him for breakfast after workout he goes for freshen up and comes

down in his office suite black colour and there whole family joins for breakfast..,..

Drake was asking his grandson about company and the deals . while discussing this his grandma ask Rian about his marriage and he choked on his food.

Rian said " please grandma not again " saying that he rolled his eyes. While everyone laughs on his behaviour..

BUT Rian's mother knows about yesterday incident ... Alvin had already told her about the girl Rian bumped into and first time he has looked at some girl and even smiled at her before introducing himself..

Finally Mrs Nora asked him about yesterday college meeting with director

Rian said " the meeting was good mom.."

then MRS. Nora smirked at his son asked about the girl .

Then Rian facial expressions got changed instantly and looked towards his mother but his mother didn't said anything further and shrugged her shoulder....while Rian gains his composure and bid bye to everyone and left for office..

while on breakfast table everyone was seeing Nora like what happen to her

Nora then smiled looking at her mother in law and told them what happened at college that Alvin had told her about his son's reaction and what he did ....

By listening this everyone was happy that their cold son also changing into a normal one...


There is a place of peace

There is a place of joy

A place away from loneliness

A place away from pain

That place is next to you

A secret garden

Where black and white becomes a colorful place

Of loving, kisses, touching, caressing,

There with you and only you

Cares of the world melting away

Anger and fear are not allowed

Prejudice cannot enter

A place where two hearts beat as one

A place where two souls are interwoven,

Touching the inner-place of one another

A place that I long to come back to again and again

A place of sweet abandon

A place next to you

You gave light to my soul

You helped me to be whole

I have felt love for you before

And it will be more and more,

You are mine, my dear

You are the angel from above

Who taught me how to love.

Please, forever keep me near.

I wish I could remember that first day,

First hour, first moment of your meeting me,

If bright or dim the season, it might be

Summer or Winter for aught I can say;

So unrecorded did it slip away,

So blind was I to see and to foresee,

So dull to mark the budding of my tree






HAPPY READING ❤️❤️❤️.....