❤️ CARE❤️

It was midnight when Laura and Tina was sleeping but suddenly

Laura was shaking in fear and because of that Tina jerked up from her sleep .....

" Laura .. open your eyes.. open your eyes .. please. it's your bad dream.. please open your eyes.."

Tina was continuously shaking her to wake her up BUT she was sobbing .... Tina can't think of anything and then she poured whole glass of water on her ...

As the water fall on her Laura woke up in an instant and looked at her surrounding..and when she confirmed that she is in her room she looked at tine who was beside her she hugged Tina.. Tina patted her head ....

" It's fine Laura.. it was your nightmare.. please sleep now ." Tina said while rubbing her back..

" And moreover you know you have to meet With Mr Wilson so have a beauty sleep now ." Tina said and winked at her.. After listening his name she blushed little....


Tina noticed that change and thought to tease her a little and it will light up her mood...