On other side Laura and Tina decided to go for shopping after meeting with principal...

After they were done with their shopping.. Laura asked Tina to join her at her home .. she was still entangled with the thoughts of Zake...

Tina always considered her as her sister so she understood her feelings and followed her...

Both of them returned to her house..... Laura prepared some snacks and both of them went to her room....

Both of them were talking about random stuffs..

Tina looked at kaura and said.." Laura I think you should talk to zake for once as he is going after 2 days....and at least try to be friendly with him..."

In college, Tina also observed Zake expression when he left the room and she decided to talk about it with Laura but to her surprise Laura has also noticed change in zake....But no one knows why there is a sudden change in his behaviour.....