Rian came to senses and said .. " Uncle .. she is my mother Mrs Nora Wilson... but why are you asking me about her.. do you know her...." and he wiped his tears...

Mr Watson nodded his head and tears were rolling uncontrollably....

Lilly Watson who was hiding behind them and saw her husband who was crying ... she rushed towards him and she gave water to him..

Rian and Lilly tried to console him... after sometime he controlled himself and stood up....

Mr Watson showed his phone to lily and said... " See I found her ... Rian is her son.. " saying that he hugged Lilly... Now she was Also smiling and feeling happy for his husband that he found her ...

Mr Watson moved towards Rian and took his hands in his hands and said... " please take with you to her please Rian ...."

Rian nodded his head and said .. " ok fine uncle ... I will take you to her but it's getting late you should rest..I will take you tomorrow ok..."