Rian drove towards their today's spot .. everyone came out from the car except Rian who was sitting in the car and was dialling a number...

" Alvin.. find out the location of Laura and tell where is she right now and with whom.." saying that rian ended the call and joined his family ...

Amelia looked at Rian and turned towards James and said... " oh dear you know I am missing Laura.. if she would have been here I am sure the day will be more good ...."

James smiled and nodded his head... indeed his daughter can change the mood of a person ... infact she is the happy medicine of Their family....

" no worries aunt she will join is next time... and I also agreed with Nora's decision.. I was behaving selfish.. I never thought about her life.. I thought my doll will always stay with me... but... I forgot... " James said being emotional...

Amelia looked at Rian whose expressions were ugly ....