Rian looked at her and sighed at her behaviour.. he can't explain her anything right now he has to wait.. he holded her her hand and her face with another hand and turned her towards him...

" I am sorry... please forgive me..." Rian said and looked at her forehead which was red .. he frowned and looked at her .. he tried to touch that area when Laura flinched back and hissed in pain....

Without saying anything Rian drove the car and stopped near the pharmacy shop.. he immediately went out and came back with a ice pack...

Rian holded her chin gently and kept that ice pack on her forehead for formentation ...while Laura was only looking at him silently...

" Why are you so stubborn Laura...why don't you think in a positive way what I have done...may be I had some reasons.. please try to understand Laura..." Rian said and blowed air on the red mark....

" why did you behaved like that ...it hurted me.." Laura said as she was almost in tears...