rian smirked at her and came closed to her dangerously while their bodies were touching ...

" you are mine laura .. only mine .. and soon i will marry you.." rian said huskily leaving laura dumbfounded..

" what... what are you saying Rian... have you gone nuts.." Laura said while she was shocked to the core...

" don't tell me that you didn't listened our talks.. hmm.." Rian whispered in her ear ...

Laura looked in his eyes and were lost ... both were silent none of them spoke and suddenly Rian confessed his feelings....

" I LOVE YOU Laura..."

After saying this he kissed her again... few minutes back Laura was feeling broken when he saw him on the stage with Emily but after his confession she was on cloud nine ..

" I love you too Rian..." Laura also confessed her feelings ...

Finally two heart's are together....

Rian looked at Laura with his shining eyes and he hugged her tightly... " you .. you really love me Laura..."