( FLASHBACK.....)...

Liam was in his meeting room where all the interns were asked to be there before time .. but Mia was late because of traffic.. she was so clumsy and running in haste in the direction of meeting room and she didn't noticed the glass infront of her and got crashed into it....

In frustration and pain she kicked the glass and rubbed her forehead... she entered the meeting room and saw everyone was laughing at her...

In confusion she looked here and there and then her eyes landed on the glass where she bumped a few moments back...

And then the she sat down with embarassment...but Liam did not cared and started his introduction and main motive of their duty...

Days passed and her internship was about to end ... and top 10 interns were given certificate for their hardwork and Mia was one of them.... and with this advantage she immediately got the offer letter to work there ....