Me Patrick's breathing became abnormal...

Javier did not wasted time he immediately rang the bell and doctor came in a minute and they tried to stabilize him...

Now the condition was getting out of hand of everyone .. Javier was thankful to Mr Patrick as he has always helped him and it's his turn to return his favour..

But the cost is his daughter.....

Javier sighed and turned back to open the door but he was shocked to see Raima standing there with a shock and unbelievable look on her face...

when Raima was trying to reach the hospital as soon as it was possible for her ... But when she reached and was about to enter the room after not finding her dad outside she was stunned ...

She thought she heard something wrong.. but no her doubt was cleared when Mr Patrick aked her hands for Liam....

She stood rooted in her place while Javier turned and found her standing there...