" James.. what are you going to do now..." Lilly asked him hoping something good... but nothing like that will hurt Laura in future..

" Nothing... we will see in future.. and what I will do will be better for my daughter..." saying that James left from there and Lilly was standing there in silence.. because she knew something good will not happen and if James had made up his mind in anything he will surely do it...and no one can say no to him...

After walking for few minutes Laura went back to her room to take Rest..while Jack amd Lilly were talking about Laura and Rian...

" What should we son...your dad is going to do something..." Lilly said afterall she is the mother and she can't see her child suffering..

" Mom.. we can only wait...but I will be there for my sister..." Jack said as Lily looked at her son who is behaving like a more gentleman ...

After that they left for their room...when Lilly entered in the room and found James was already asleep...