" Sir ... call me sir .. you are my employee.... not my friend..." Oscar spitted out bitterly leaving her in ask shock...

To be true Tina had never expected him to be like this ... she was forcing back her tears .... she was trying to hold herself infront of him. and may be god was on her side because just then his door was knocked and Manager came there ...

By taking the chance Tina fled away from there....but as she exited his office she collided with Harry... Harry was coming in his office to know about the contract with Ms demet but instead he found Tina coming out but her condition was not good... her eyes were red....

Harry could not interpret as what would have happened between them.... he tried to talk to her but it was late she was already gone....

Harry entered inside and found his brothers new side... Oscar was always cheerful and took everything to be easy going but from few days his behaviour is changing drastically... he has stopped joking and even laughing...