" Rian brother I want you to convince your shareholders.... once they are agreed I will execute my plan..." Zake said

" What is Cooking in your mind ..." Rian asked him suspiciously...

" Nothing...but make sure everyone attend it.." zake said ....

" But how ... you heard right now what Alvin said ... then how you expect me to convince them ...." Rian said while massaging his head ... Everything is getting tough ..... Never in his life he thought the day like this will come in their lives....

Everything was already fucked up and it is getting more ....

Everyone was busy when Rian's phone beeped... Rian looked at his phone and there was a message from unknown number....

" I told you he is upto something but you took it lightly..." masked man message came....

" This is not the time for this " Rian replied irritatingly... he accept that he took the matter lightly but it's already happened and before things can go out of hands they have to control it....