She didn't know why his each words Directly hitted her heart... she crouched down and cried ... she cried ..her heart was in pain ...

In other side Oscar left the building and sat in his car ... he looked back at his building where he left her .. his eyes were red ..he was stopping himself ...

he fisted his hands and hitted the steering wheel...

Oscar left from there while driving in fast speed...

Tina was still there where Oscar had left her .. she was not able to control... .

it's been minutes when Tina didn't reached to meet Harry and Dylan Harry decided to call her but she didn't recieved his call ... Harry dialled her number many times but on fifth time she attended his call...

As already he was frustrated he shouted on her but Tina was sobbing hardly... hearing her crying he got panicked... he came out of the place to a silent area and talked to her ...