Rian cupped her cheeks in his hands and pressed his lips on her gently... there was no lust or impatience... only love and the feel of holding your soul mate in your embrace... the feel of love and care which only belonged to them...

Their kisses were welcomed by a warm clapping sound. Rian got apart from her but still held her to him by her waist.

Finally, they both got married . Rian kissed her for more than 10 minutes and left her breathless. she was so embarrassed. she was literally panting as if she had run a marathon while everyone kept laughing at her red face.

Rian and laura cut the wedding cake and damn that was so extravagant. they fed each other and everyone clapped for them..

Everyone was settled all around the dining table and were enjoying the wide varieties of delectable comestibles. Laura was staring at the food continuously . Rian kept stealing small glances at her time to time . He looked at her super happy face and he thought how much he loves her ...