Laura blushed on his shamelesness and he said "let me feed your little stomach" Laura nodded her head and ate all the food infact she was already so hungry

They both were cuddling on bed he said "let's go back tomorrow" she smiled and asked "we will stay tonight right"

he said "yeah we will stay tonight only us" she hugged him and closed her eyes .....

They both slept while hugging each other.... and the was well spent..

Next morning ....

Laura and Rian decided to leave for Wilson's mansion... when they reached there everyone welcomed them and the whole family ate their breakfast...

while they were having breakfast Rian received the call from Harry.. Rian looked at his phone and answered it casually but what Harry said actually blowed his mind...

" Wait ..i will be there soon but hold him back.. don't let him out.." saying that Rian ended the call and was about to stood up...

" what happened. whom were you talking to.." Milke asked him