she was happy that finally both families agree for their relationship...

Oscar was looking at the mother and daughter in law duo who was happily smiling... once again his mother surpassed him.. he had thought that his mother will treat them unkindly but everything turns out to be the beautiful and perfect...

Finally both families were happy at the end of the day... when Tina and her mother arrived home they got in their rooms for rest... Tina was excited to tell the news to her friends...

On the same morning Liam decided to have a test in hospital for confirmation before telling their families and friends about pregnancy...

They got into the car and Liam instructed the Chauffeur to take them to the hospital first.

When they arrived, Liam went to the doctor's cabin directly as they were having an appointment..

Liam asked the doctor to do the pregnancy test. Raima smiled. She wondered why he was so persistent that he had said they should come to the hospital.