Soon after feeding her baby slept..and later in afternoon Tina Oscar Rian and Laura came to visit the baby.. evryone was very happy..

Tina was very happy but somewhere in her heart there was emptiness...but that time she did not showed any emotion...

Finally after two days she was relieved after the full check up of the baby...

When Raima and Liam came back home with their little angel they were welcomed by the whole family and friends..

while house was decorated with pink and golden balloons and small baby pink colour unicorns...

Everything was looking so beautiful...

Everyone settled down and Raima put the baby in her crib...

" So did you decided her name yet or not..." Mr Patrick asked them...

" No net yet ..but i want Tina to name her .." Raima said and looked at tina who was happy ofcourse.. she could not control the tears of happiness...

" what.. don't you want to give a name to your daughter..." Raima said and immediately Tina nodded her head ....