9th month...

Time flew by without waiting for a anyone...

In the blink of an eye, winter had gone and spring had come, the spring was over and summer arrived, summer left and autumn came...

And finally it's the pregnancy end Week's of Tina....

Tina's stomach already became huge.. she can't even see her own legs.. in fact sometimes because of her own weight, she can't even feel her legs..but everyday Oscar massage her swollen legs..

He feels bad everytime after seeing her state.. it's all because of him.. even though Tina always says with a smile that it dosen't hurt.. but he could clearly feel that she's faking her smile..

When she entered into her 8th month.. he stopped going at office.. he started working from home.. while Harry and his father took care of office...

He can't leave her alone.. because now she totally can't even walk alone.. firstly her stomach is way too big for her small body..and secondly her body looks weak..

He always stay around her now....