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In Paris

Conversation continue..

Janet - Aunt i am here to discussed something.

I want to go Paris for further studies .

I don't to spend my time in this city anymore and you both are coming with me.

Zev will be fine there. There are many good colleges in Paris , they also provide internship with study to gain more experiences.

The another reason for moving out is i have consulted the best heart surgeon there and also fixed your appointment so we are going to Paris the day after tomorrow, after completion of zev's transfer process.

Hearing that zev and aunt both look at each other with confused look but after looking at jane's determined face they nodded.

Next day in university after getting transfer certificate zev headed to Luke office for final meeting.

Zev - Good morning senior.

I am moving out from this city so i am here to meet you before going out.

Luke- Why are you moving ?

Zev- My mother is not well so i have to go for her treatment to another city.

Luke- Ohhh.... take good care of her and my good wishes will always be with you and your family.

Luke- Yes and thanks senior.

I have learnt a lot from you. I am very greatful for your support in these years. Thanks i really appreciate it.

I should go now.

good bye.

Luke- Come on... let's have a picture before you left.

Zev (shyly)- sure senior

Click... Click

After taking pictures he bid him goodbye.

After 2 days

After preparing they left for paris. They rached there after 3 hours journey and booked a cab and then drove to their new home.

janet had already searched and book a rented house in the city.

It was small but beautiful . In which three small room with attached bathroom, one open kitchen and balcony present in back of the house introducing them the hustling and bustling of the city .

Janet was so exhausted beacuse she was in her early trimester and worn out from journey.

Janet shifted her aunt in her room and in no time she landed on bed.

After a good sleep, she woke up.

Zev also settled luggage in their respective rooms.

At noon

looking that jane has woke up, he excitedly ran towards her and

Zev - Sis this place is so good and clean compare to our previous one .

Janet (smiling) - Yes, did you unpack all things?

Zev - Yes

Janet - I am going to the nearest market to buy something for dinner.

Zev ( grinning)- Sis you do not have to worry about that i have already prepared one soup and two dishes.

Janet - oh.. that's great. let's go i am starving.

They had their dinner, after that jane sent her aunt to her room and came to zev' s room.

knock knock

zev opened the door

Zev - come in sis , what happened ? do you need anything.

Janet- yes. zev how much money we have left?

Zev - 200 dollars why?

Janet- give me all that.

zave gave all the money to janet.

Janet- I am going out for some work will come soon.ok

Zev - But sis it's already 8.

Janet - Don't panic, I will be alright said she left.

She wore amber orange knee length dress, it was loosed because her bump started to show little bit. she didn't put on makeup and left her hair loose then she left home and strode towards the nearest cyber point.