WebNovelMy muse15.52%

New branch of Essenza

In the soothing and wonderous atmosphere of early morning, a young lady left her comfortable and bouncy bed as if competing with the brightening beams of sun which was also slowly trying to escape from his shell.

Jane got up with lazy eyes and directly entered in bathroom, after her morning routine she changed in workout wears and came outside of her room.

After one hour jogging beside sea shore and after getting tired she came and as she stepped in villa someone closed her eyes from behind.

She touched the person's hand and recognising the known softness she smiled brightly and turned around.

Jane- Averyyy (while removing her hand from her eyes and hugged her tightly), when did you came? wht didn't you tell me before?

Avery- Hey jane, my bestie i miss you you so much.

you never get time to see me in my hostal so i came here.