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Regaining lost feeling

Everyone was silent in whole way no one speak. After fifteen minutes ride from the main city their car entered in the mountain side area.

Car was moving slowly in a fessy manner capturing the magnificent view of the seaside,

The excited young waves were dancing and jumping as if they were welcoming their lover moon and with the ascending brightness moon was showing his affection towards the young but jovius little flowy waves.

The natural complexion of the nature was clearly detectable with the upswing night,

Little souls were sleeping in their natural comforter not wanted to disturb by anything and snuggling in their mommy and daddy's warm chest was the best thing which they had now.

"Young master we have reached" Daniel gingerly stopped the car and informed his young master in low tone nearly whispered.

Eve cautiously took Abin in his arms and came out from the car, Jane also slowly stepped out with Aizel in her arms.