Alone with Her ♥


As i was on my way back to my house....I was laughing like idiot by remembering her cute expressions.....The way she hold me tight when i Was having sex with her....While shivering Yet keeping me fast at place....

Tonight must have hurt her...Maybe i should buy ointment for her....

But she is very rich....She can buy it for her....

But as a man i want to give her so she won't think even worse than she already think i am...

( He stopped at pharmacy and bought ointment for her )

So i bought the ointment...

Ahh how should i punish her tomorrow

Hmm it has to be severe......

°° Flashback °°

Jennet: Ahh It-It hurt...Alot...

Grayson: Then loosen your grip from my neck so i can let go....The way you're keeping me close to your body...i couldn't help but getting excited....

Jennet: No don't leave me alone....I can handle the pain...

Grayson: Are you scared of living alone???

Jennet: No i am scared of being abandoned...

°° End Of Flashback °°