Jealous ♥

Liam: So how is my surprise...!!!

Jennet: Best thing happened to me....

Liam: Now stop crying....I come here just to make you smile Sugar....

Jennet: They are the tears of happiness....Come let me introduce you to my friend Princess...

Liam: Okay but after that we will go out for lunch....

Jennet: Alright...!!!

( She hold his hand and take him to Princess...)

Princess He is the one i was talking about....My childhood buddy ,My Yogurt Liam....

Princess: Wow you're fast to reach here.....She told me that you will be here soon but never thought that soon...

Liam: It was hard for me to wait so i accept all the scolding of my Parents just to see her....

Princess: Isn't that romantic...( In mocking tone )

Liam: Yes after all She is the queen of my heart and i love her...

Princess: I wonder how deeply...

Liam: Deeper than the depth....

Princess: Then why didn't you contact her all these years....

Liam: I want to prove myself first that i am worthy to have her....