Complicated ♥


I closed my eyes....I don't know what am i doing....AND WHY???

This is wrong but i need him....

He kissed me.....It was definitely different from His kiss....Liam's kiss is gentle Whereas mine and Grayson kiss are always desperate.....He is trying hard not to hurt me while with Grayson i love the pain.....This is wrong.....Liam is innocent and honest....I Can't love him while thinking of someone else.... I am unsure of my feelings....Who am i to play with his feelings???

I would rather prefer Grayson to spread dirt on me then to dirty Liam with my flirty body....

I pushed him back...

Liam: What's wrong Sugar?

Jennet: I am sorry Liam....I am doing wrong to you.....I don't want to play with your feelings....

I think i love him....

Liam: Sugar you don't love him....You are just attracted toward him....

Jennet: Yes it might be true but i don't want to give you fake hopes and then break your heart.....I am sorry but i can't....

( He moved close to me and hugged me )