Liam i am Sorry ♥

Princess: Someone is happy today.....

She said while hitting my shoulder

Jennet: Who? You?

Princess: I am always happy....

Jennet: Same goes for me....

Princess: So now things are getting smooth for you huh! Lucky girl...

Professor: Miss Grace!!!

Princess: Y-Yes Mam

Professor: Come and sit beside me....Your grades are getting down due to you habit of talking during lecture...

Princess: Mam i won't do it again...

Professor: I said come down...

Jennet: Oops! Bad luck...She giggled

Princess: I will get you later girl...


I am happy that Grayson want to make things settle but Liam....I did wrong to him and I can't even celebrate my happiness....I should text him....After all he is my best buddy...

Hi Yogurt...( Message sent )


( Hi 2 Sugar )

How are you doing?


( Everything except being happy!!! )

Are you angry with me?


( Why would i? )

You are talking so strangely...


( Must be because my heart is broken )

I am sorry...
