She betrayed Me


Even though she refused to have sex but as i laid beside her i was unable to control myself....I was sucking and kissing her body late at night....And she didn't refuse me either....

Next morning i wake up early.....I kissed her forehead...

Jennet: Why are you up? Are you going on trip?

Grayson: What would i do there? Without you it would be boring...

Jennet: Then where are you going?

Grayson: I am going back home to check my Mom....I will be back by lunch time...

Jennet: Okay...

( She again goes back to sleep....I loved seeing mark on her body made by me....Even if that guy try to meet her....He would run away after seeing those marks....Also i have to get 500k from her today at any cost....

I went back to my place.....Mom was having breakfast whereas my sisters were gone to college....I had breakfast and then i take 50k she give me yesterday to give it to Angelina....When i was outside of University i called her....She comes out....I hand her over the money....