Like Couple


Everything was done , Room was looking so amazing....It has everything according to my liking.....We sat on the bed had fun in chatting , I completely forgotten Grayson until i received his text....

" Very Well , My girlfriend just left me alone like that "

I jump off from my bed and went out of the room....No one was in hall way so i went downstairs....As expected Dad give him room so far from mine...Liam and Mike followed me....I glared at them And told them to go back inside....

I reached toward his room about to open it when....

Dad: what are you doing young lady?

Seeing Dad caught me Mike and Liam laughed , standing upstairs watching the show.

Jennet: Just asking if he need something...

Dad: I have already told a maid to serve him 24/7 , you shouldn't worry such small matters.

Liam: Yes Uncle i was trying to say that to her but Look at her not giving me time , She isn't even talking to me. i come back after 8 years.