we are done!


Grayson was right.....Dalton is really a bastard...He first captured me in his web and then tear me apart....How can he do this to me.... I am hurt because of him and he don't even care...All he do is watching television and counting money....No i have to escape....I still have Grayson....He won't abandon me...

( I get up , He looked back instantly )

Dalton: You are up! Come here sit beside me and eat something after that i will teach you cock sucking...

( I sat beside him....He give me fruits to eat.....After i was done he unzipped his pant and stood infront of me...Told me to suck his dick....I start sucking but bite it too hard that he slapped me but laid on floor due to pain , He screamed i picked the plate of fruits and smashed it to his head....His head started to bleed but he was still conscious.....I hold the bag of money and his cellphone , I ran outside of the hotel and sit inside online cab.... I dialed Grayson's number )


