full of surprises

Liam: “Oh, they're oysters. Maybe Rocky Mountain oysters."

Jennet: Once father ordered them and they were pretty different.

Jeremy: Mr.Liam are you going to eat them or not?

Liam: Of course I will, it's been too long since I last ate them...

Jeremy and Clara struggled to hold in their laughter which made me very suspicious.

“What's so funny?” I said.

“Nothing,” Jeremy said.

Liam: “Now, you two hush. This is serious business.”

Liam shook his head and picked the first one up and put it in his mouth. He paused, slowly chewed it, while glancing at his audience who was still fighting their urge to laugh, and a Worried Wife, he swallowed it.

Jennet: How does it taste?

Liam: “It tastes funny.”

Jeremy: “Do you know what Rocky Mountain oysters are?”

Jeremy asked Jennet.

Jennet: “I am not sure maybe, Mollusks from Colorado?”

Clara burst out laughing.

Clara: Sir Liam do you still think this is Rocky Oyster?

Liam: They taste different, but they look like oysters.