The Play

Jennet: “That is true. Alright,” she said. “Though we could always do something else.”

“You're right, sis,” Jeremy spoke up. “We could take Liam out to rope cattle.”

“I want to do the play,” Clara argued.

“Oh, let me see it. If it's anything like the Christmas play, we'll all have a good time.” Liam was anxious to do anything but more outdoor activities.

Jeremy was disappointed but reluctantly agreed to join all of them in play...

They all went inside the room on the top floor for rehearsal which was set for Jennet but She wasn't using it so it was free at that moment...

While Liam waited for them to get ready for their performance in amusement. He sat on the couch with Jeremy and Clara's parents in the parlor and made small talk. He couldn't remember anyone ever going through as much trouble to impress him as this crazy family is doing, and it was even better now that he fit in with their group. He didn't have siblings but imagined this was what it was like.