A Plan

Liam was busy treating his patient when Justin slapped his back...

Liam: Ouch! Justin? what was that!

Justin: Nothing, So how was your honeymoon.

Liam: Better than I expected

Justin: So, Sister-in-law is under control?

Liam: I guess she is a little addicted to me now, I hope I will make her stay.

Justin: Don't worry buddy, She will stay.

Let's plan dinner tonight, Shall we?

Liam: Not tonight,

Justin: Why?

Liam: My wife told me to come back in time, She will be cooking dinner for me.

Justin: oh, Remember when once your forced my dinner out and I said something the same like that but you pushed me anyways and my wife become angry with me...Looks like it's payback time.

Liam: No, don't think that I will go with you.

Justin: Oh Yes you will.

Liam: No, dude I won't tonight, Let's plan some other day, please.

Justin: Beg me

Liam: Justin bro, Please

Justin: Haha convincing, Good luck with your night.

Liam: We are not that close