Who was he?


I woke up at 9 am to get ready and see my love...I took a bath, dress well so She should still find me attractive, When I was ready I order an online cab at 11:00 am. Her house wasn't far away, It took me 25 minutes to reach there..."Liam must be at the hospital"

I thought...In front of her house, 3 men were standing and one person whom I assume to be a guard was talking to them from outside...

I moved closer before I could talk to the guard, one of the men spoke up.

"Here to see Jennet?"

Grayson: Who are you?

"I am Smith, I am here to meet Jennet. Though she didn't talk to me but seeing her is enough... I passed by and left a banquet for her. Don't know if she ever received one"

Grayson: I am her old friend...

"Ohh, New guy! Where did you see her?"

Grayson: Pardon?

Tylor: My name is Tylor, I live in two Bangla apart...I came here every day just to see her...