All About Love


I clicked over the notification, My hand started to shiver...I don't believe in my eyes...I zoom in again to see if it's real or fake...It must not be my wife Jennet...It must be a trick of that bastard...I tried to dial that number but it was already switched off...I called Cruz and order him to find the location and other information...I am having a strange feeling...Suddenly my hunger has gone...I can tell that my hands are shivering, my heart is not at peace...I excuse my fellow so I can go out for some fresh air...

Should I call Jennet?

If I did what will she say?

Will she say that she wanted to leave me?

or Will she lie?

No matter what happens I should call at least or I will be thinking negatively.




"Hello, my love..."

Liam: Hi Sugar,

"Aren't you busy with your colleagues?"

Liam: I am always free for you...

"I was expecting that answer from you."

(Suddenly I heard the horn of the car, That's my chance)