2 Angel

Rishi's pov.................

"What the fuck is this, you think for this presentation we would grab that fucking contract. Why I'm giving you all salaries for this shit." I roared to my employees, which are failed to give a presentation. They all hung there heads in front of me, making me go insane.

"I'm giving you time till next morning, make best presentation otherwise be ready to getting fired. Now get the hell out of here." I shouted again, they all bowed in front of me and went out. I took deep breaths to calm myself. I have anger issues, I shout at people who neglect there work.

For me after family works come first, I don't want to lose anything. I always want to be on top most position, that's the reason I studied hard. I want to be called as best CEO and it happened last year only. I got the award of best CEO at this young age, and I don't want to lose it this year as well. I want to grab it again and again and fucking again.

If you are thinking why I'm so possessed about that award, then let me tell you all. When I was receiving award, I saw a proud feeling in my baby's eyes. That moment I decided it will happen again in my life, I will make her proud again, I will make my baby proud of me again.

For me my family comes first, and that too my baby and kushi. They two are  innocent and pure souls, I always want to protect them from this world. They consider everyone are like them, but the truth is so different. This world is so intoxicated, people are cruel, though some are nice but most are never cared about others or even they enjoy looking at others suffer.

I'm not telling you that I'm a very good person, who is cared for everyone. No, that's not me but I never harm anyone unnecessarily, if only they touch my bottom line, my family. They have to go through me, and that would be more painful than anything. If any person even think of hurting my family, I would rip his head.

Now I'm having a severe headache, because of that pathetic presentation which I saw just now. How much I'm controlling my self but nothing working, second by second I'm getting more angry. I just want to go and fire those shitty people, but no I have to control myself.

"If you are going to be like this, angry bird. I'm telling you, you are going to die soon." I heard Laxmi voice and I opened my eyes. She is sitting in one of the chairs in front of me eating potato chips.

"Not now Laxmi, I'm really in the verge of breaking someone's head." I warned her but she never going to listen to me. She is the author she thinks she can do anything, and yes she can really do anything and everything with me and my story.

"Don't tell me that someone's head is mine." She said and bite on her potato chip which made sound and I got irritated by that sound. She very well know how to irritate me, and she is very good in this job.

"Laxmi..." I dragged her name, hoping she is going to listen to me.

"Fine, go outside." She said.

"Why? I have lot of work pending. I have to go through these files and sign on them." I pointed my files which are waiting for me.

"Do as I say angry bird, otherwise you will regret it." She said and left from there, waving her hand to me.

I don't have any option now so I have to go outside. But where? She didn't said anything or any place? but I took my belongings and left not before telling my secretary to send those files to home.

Driver bowed down his head looking at me, I nod my head making my way towards entrance.

"Give me keys, I'll go by myself." I said and he handed my car keys. Which is new sports car, I just love cars, They are my best buddies.

"Rather than loving cars, you could have love some girl. In that way I don't have to struggle like I did from past few days." Laxmi said sitting beside me on passenger seat.

"Not again that topic, Laxmi. We discussed it already." I said and stepped on acceleration.

"Slow down, I don't want to die this soon."

"You will not die, don't forget you are my imagination." I said in a duh tone.

"Right, I forget about it." She said and sat comfortably in seat. I shook my head for her craziness.

"Tell me, where I have to go now?" I asked her.

"Where your car take you to" she said and disappeared.

"Not again" I muttered and drove, where my car takes me. How foolish how could my car take me, I'm driving not car.

I'm already angry at my employees and adding to it Laxmi made me fool again. I'm pissed off now, in angry I started driving fast. It was afternoon so there is no traffic which is giving me a chance to drive fast, And where I don't know, I should ask my car now for my destination note the sarscam.

After driving for half an hour, suddenly a girl came in front of the car and sat on road looking at my car. I stepped on breaks, luckily car stopped few inches before that girl.

God, today is the worst day in my life. First my employees, next Laxmi and this girl. I have to knock some sense in this girls head, thinking about it i hopped down and went in front of car.

That girl is still sitting there closing her ears with hands. She is shivering badly, she wear a white colour dress with long hairs which are curvy. I can't see her face, she is bending her head. I sat in front of her supporting my left hand on car, her hairs are all over her face.

I removed her hairs and made them rest behind her ear. I looked at her face she has fair white skin, a Sharp nose and thin lips. Her eyes are closed, a smile appeared on my lips looking at her. She is still Shivering.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her, surprisingly my voice sound so low to me only. I wondered how? Isn't I came here to knock some sense in her?

She slowly opened her eyes and I mesmerised by looking in to her eyes. She has same as baby and kushi's eyes, big black eyes. I lost in her eyes looking deep in to her, she to stared in to my eyes. I can only form one word looking at her 'Angel'.

"I'm I dead?" She asked in a mare whisper, her voice was so soft and slow that I lost again.

"No, you didn't." I said after taking good one minute silence or I can say admiring her beauty.

"You....are you yamadharmaraj( god of hell)." I chuckled at her and shook my head. But she brought her hand to my face and touched my cheek with her fingers. I shivered under her touch, I saw her face she smiled realising I'm not any yamadharmaraj.

"I'm not yamadharmaraj, infact I saved your life." I said and she looked in to my eyes, furrowing her eyebrows. And turned to where my hand is resting on car. Her eyes gone wide and mouth hung open.

"Are you a super hero?" She asked me still looking at my hand.

She thinks that I stopped car by keeping my hand on car, God. She is such an innocent girl, I want to laugh hard but I control myself not to embarrass her.

"No, I'm not. I was the one driving the car." I said, she saw my face and said "oh" her lips perfectly formed 'O' for Sometime, I smiled looking at her.

"Why you ran in front of my car? It's dangerous?" I asked her remembering what she did just now. She hit her forehead with her hand muttering 'shit'.

"I forget" she said and stood up, she turned and run from there. I stood there looking at her reciting figure smiling for some unknown reason.

"Stop looking at her like a pervert, it's creepy." I heard Laxmi voice from back of my car.

I walked to bàck of my car, she sat on trunk while shaking her legs. She is such a crazy person I must say.

"So, finally you find someone for me." I said.

"When did I say I found someone for you."

"Don't Laxmi, that girl is the one right. You selected for me, by the way she is beautiful and innocent." I said and smiled thinking about how she called me yamadharmaraj.

"I know that but still, I didn't said she is the one for you." She defended her self.

"You don't need to say, I know." I said and sat beside her on trunk.

"I forget to ask her name, what is her name?" I asked.

"I don't know" I closed my eyes, she never say anything to me.

"When I'm going to meet her again?" I asked her hoping she give me an answer this time. But no she will never.

"I don't know." I looked at her pissed off. But she smiled and disappeared again.

But thinking about Angel, a smile appeared on my lips, such an innocent girl. She is beautiful, I just hope I will meet her soon.

I directly drove to home, but I don't know surprise is already waiting for me in home. I parked car and went in, there my baby is back and ofcourse dad too.

Hello my lovely reader's............

Here is your another chapter. Actually Tomorrow I thought to update but tomorrow I will be bit busy..........so here is your update.

Happy dussera guys.......

If I get a chance tomorrow I will update another chapter, I can't promise but I will try to do it..........

So how is it? Hope you like it?

And yeah, you will see a lot of me in story. Hope you like mine and Rishi's conversation?

Do tell me, comment me, vote me guys.

I'm going to add cast analysis of my book in community, go have a look and tell me if you like them are not

Love you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️